The Motion Blog: Your One-Stop Shop For Manufacturing Solutions

Plan Ahead and Keep Your Grinding Equipment in Top Shape

Many manufacturers take a reactive approach to machine-tool upkeep, waiting until geometry shifts and part rejections reach a critical level before they call for authorized service. Meanwhile, down time replaces work time, productivity drops and profitability takes a hit. Instead of delaying service until problems actually occur, shops can opt for a proactive strategy that gives vital grinding machines a thorough checkup on a regular periodic basis. That's the philosophy behind preventive maintenance from UNITED GRINDING, a straightforward way to keep your go-to equipment running smoothly and without interruption.

Preventive maintenance makes good business sense. Without proper care, machines can drift out of spec and develop vibrations and other costly conditions that interfere with proper output. Well-maintained equipment helps shops avoid catastrophic expenses for replacement parts and lost production. Preventive attention also diagnoses and corrects any dangerously unsafe conditions that can threaten shop and worker safety. Additionally, as machine tools age, preventive maintenance keeps older equipment in service – and enables shops to avoid foreseeable repairs.

When you choose preventive maintenance from UNITED GRINDING, you schedule predictable routine checkups designed to make emergencies and down time a thing of the past. This preventive care enables you to take charge of production outcomes and eliminate the stress of malfunctions that can jeopardize production flow, especially in lights out or unmanned operations.

Our factory-trained service engineers are the only technicians who are OEM certified to work on the machine tools we sell. To meet the unique needs of each individual shop, we put our technical expertise to work, enabling our customers to move away from the reactive, respond-to-emergencies mindset that views maintenance as the process of fixing what breaks rather than preventing the breakage in the first place.

At preventive maintenance appointments, our engineers follow a methodical equipment inspection and analysis schedule developed by OEM engineers. These machine-specific checklists cover critical aspects of your grinding machines, including exposed parts, electrical components and the control system. Additionally, our engineers fine tune your machines to reduce sources of vibration that can degrade the performance of mechanical components, including ballscrews, bearings and fasteners.

Preventive maintenance visits typically occur on a set schedule to ensure that critical parts receive timely attention. At the same time, these maintenance programs include the flexibility to accommodate customer needs and avoid conflicts with high-production periods or major deadlines. In addition to conducting planned service, our experienced engineers also recommend specific preventive measures to maintain efficiency, and conclude each periodic maintenance visit with a detailed report that itemizes any remaining performance problems or parts that require replacement.

The ultimate customer benefits of preventive maintenance from UNITED GRINDING include increased machine availability and production quality, reduction of scrapped parts and, consequently, improved profit margins. Proper periodic maintenance extends the lifespan of critical manufacturing equipment, enabling shops to obtain the full benefits of their investments in grinding machines. Instead of wondering whether or when their equipment will need service, manufacturers can rest assured that their machines receive the authorized, expert, timely attention they need for optimal functionality and productivity
